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الدخول لحسابك
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تسجيل الدخول
الدخول باستخدام حسابك في :
ASU e-portfolio system
Second Term
الصفحة الرئيسية
المقررات الدراسية
PhD in Science in Microbiology (Virology)
Second Term
تخطى إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
تصنيفات المقررات
Diploma / First semester
Diploma / First semester
Diploma / Second Term
Diploma / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Earthquakes
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Earthquakes / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Earthquakes / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Earthquakes / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Organic Chemistry
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Organic Chemistry / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Organic Chemistry / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Organic Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Analytical Chemistry
Diploma / Diploma in Analytical Chemistry / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Analytical Chemistry / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Analytical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Biochemical Analysis
Diploma / Diploma in Biochemical Analysis / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Biochemical Analysis / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Biochemical Analysis / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Nutrition Biochemistry
Diploma / Diploma in Nutrition Biochemistry / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Nutrition Biochemistry / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Nutrition Biochemistry / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Molecular Biology and Molecular Diagnostics
Diploma / Diploma in Molecular Biology and Molecular Diagnostics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Molecular Biology and Molecular Diagnostics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Molecular Biology and Molecular Diagnostics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Computer SciencePostgraduate Diploma in Computer Science
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Computer SciencePostgraduate Diploma in Computer Science / First semester
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Computer SciencePostgraduate Diploma in Computer Science / Second Term
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Computer SciencePostgraduate Diploma in Computer Science / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Space Dynamics
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Space Dynamics / First semester
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Space Dynamics / Second Term
Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma in Space Dynamics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Mathematics for Environmental Sciences
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Mathematics for Environmental Sciences / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Mathematics for Environmental Sciences / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Mathematics for Environmental Sciences / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Mathematical Statistics and its Applications
Diploma / Diploma of Mathematical Statistics and its Applications / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Mathematical Statistics and its Applications / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Mathematical Statistics and its Applications / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Biostatistics
Diploma / Diploma of Biostatistics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Biostatistics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Biostatistics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Petroleum Geology
Diploma / Diploma of Petroleum Geology / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Petroleum Geology / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Petroleum Geology / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Engineering Geology and Mines
Diploma / Diploma of Engineering Geology and Mines / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Engineering Geology and Mines / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Engineering Geology and Mines / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Water Geology and its Applications
Diploma / Diploma of Water Geology and its Applications / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Water Geology and its Applications / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Water Geology and its Applications / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Geophysics
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Geophysics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Geophysics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Applied Geophysics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Diagnostic Microbiology
Diploma / Diploma of Diagnostic Microbiology / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Diagnostic Microbiology / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Diagnostic Microbiology / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma of Microbial and Immunological Tests
Diploma / Diploma of Microbial and Immunological Tests / First semester
Diploma / Diploma of Microbial and Immunological Tests / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma of Microbial and Immunological Tests / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Entomology
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Entomology / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Entomology / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Applied Entomology / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Medical Entomology
Diploma / Diploma in Medical Entomology / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Medical Entomology / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Medical Entomology / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques of Tissues and Fluids
Diploma / Diploma in Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques of Tissues and Fluids / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques of Tissues and Fluids / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques of Tissues and Fluids / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Economic and Medicinal Plants
Diploma / Diploma in Economic and Medicinal Plants / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Economic and Medicinal Plants / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Economic and Medicinal Plants / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Environmental Stress for Plants
Diploma / Diploma in Environmental Stress for Plants / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Environmental Stress for Plants / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Environmental Stress for Plants / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Plant Genetic Engineering
Diploma / Diploma in Plant Genetic Engineering / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Plant Genetic Engineering / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Plant Genetic Engineering / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Radiation Physics
Diploma / Diploma in Radiation Physics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Radiation Physics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Radiation Physics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Petroleum Geophysics
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Industrial Chemistry
Diploma / Diploma in Industrial Chemistry / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Industrial Chemistry / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Industrial Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Petroleum and Petrochemical Chemistry
Diploma / Diploma in Petroleum and Petrochemical Chemistry / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Petroleum and Petrochemical Chemistry / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Petroleum and Petrochemical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Advanced Applications in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation
Diploma / Diploma in Advanced Applications in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Advanced Applications in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Advanced Applications in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in Electronics and Electromagnetics
Diploma / Diploma in Electronics and Electromagnetics / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in Electronics and Electromagnetics / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in Electronics and Electromagnetics / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Environmental Science and Remote Sensing Diploma
Diploma / Environmental Science and Remote Sensing Diploma / First semester
Diploma / Environmental Science and Remote Sensing Diploma / Second Term
Diploma / Environmental Science and Remote Sensing Diploma / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Industrial Biochemistry Diploma
Diploma / Industrial Biochemistry Diploma / First semester
Diploma / Industrial Biochemistry Diploma / Second Term
Diploma / Industrial Biochemistry Diploma / Separation of an equation
Diploma / Diploma in microbial and immunological testing
Diploma / Diploma in microbial and immunological testing / First semester
Diploma / Diploma in microbial and immunological testing / Second Term
Diploma / Diploma in microbial and immunological testing / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Microbiology
Master / Master of Science in Microbiology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Microbiology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Microbiology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Animal Physiology
Master / Master of Science in Animal Physiology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Animal Physiology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Animal Physiology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Applied Biotechnology
Master / Master of Science in Applied Biotechnology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Applied Biotechnology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Applied Biotechnology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Biophysics
Master / Master of Science in Biophysics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Biophysics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Biophysics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Biotechnology
Master / Master of Science in Biotechnology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Biotechnology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Biotechnology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Cell Biology and Histology
Master / Master of Science in Cell Biology and Histology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Cell Biology and Histology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Cell Biology and Histology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Classical Applied Mathematics
Master / Master of Science in Classical Applied Mathematics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Classical Applied Mathematics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Classical Applied Mathematics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Classification and Environment of Insects
Master / Master of Science in Classification and Environment of Insects / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Classification and Environment of Insects / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Classification and Environment of Insects / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology
Master / Master of Science in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Computer Science
Master / Master of Science in Computer Science / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Computer Science / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Computer Science / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Entomology Vectors of Diseases
Master / Master of Science in Entomology Vectors of Diseases / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Entomology Vectors of Diseases / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Entomology Vectors of Diseases / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Environmental Biology
Master / Master of Science in Environmental Biology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Environmental Biology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Environmental Biology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Forensic Chemistry
Master / Master of Science in Forensic Chemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Forensic Chemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Forensic Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Immunology
Master / Master of Science in Immunology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Immunology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Immunology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Master / Master of Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Insect Physiology
Master / Master of Science in Insect Physiology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Insect Physiology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Insect Physiology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Invertebrates and Parasites
Master / Master of Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics
Master / Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Master / Master of Science in Medical and Veterinary Entomology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Medical and Veterinary Entomology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Medical and Veterinary Entomology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Mineralogy, Rocks and Geochemistry
Master / Master of Science in Mineralogy, Rocks and Geochemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Mineralogy, Rocks and Geochemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Mineralogy, Rocks and Geochemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Molecular Entomology
Master / Master of Science in Molecular Entomology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Molecular Entomology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Molecular Entomology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Organic Chemistry
Master / Master of Science in Organic Chemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Organic Chemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Organic Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Petroleum Geophysics
Master / Master of Science in Petroleum Geophysics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Physical Chemistry
Master / Master of Science in Physical Chemistry / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Physical Chemistry / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Physical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Physics
Master / Master of Science in Physics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Physics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Physics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation
Master / Master of Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Pure Mathematics
Master / Master of Science in Pure Mathematics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Pure Mathematics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Pure Mathematics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Quantitative Applied Mathematics
Master / Master of Science in Quantitative Applied Mathematics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Quantitative Applied Mathematics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Quantitative Applied Mathematics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Reservoir Geophysics
Master / Master of Science in Reservoir Geophysics / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Reservoir Geophysics / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Reservoir Geophysics / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Seismic and Seismic Methods
Master / Master of Science in Seismic and Seismic Methods / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Seismic and Seismic Methods / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Seismic and Seismic Methods / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology
Master / Master of Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology
Master / Master of Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences
Master / Master of Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Toxicology and Control
Master / Master of Science in Toxicology and Control / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Toxicology and Control / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Toxicology and Control / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Voltage Methods
Master / Master of Science in Voltage Methods / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Voltage Methods / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Voltage Methods / Separation of an equation
Master / Master of Science in Water Geology
Master / Master of Science in Water Geology / First semester
Master / Master of Science in Water Geology / Second Term
Master / Master of Science in Water Geology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Plant Tissue Transplantation / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences
Doctor / PhD in Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Taxonomic and Environmental Sciences / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology
Doctor / PhD in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Comparative Anatomy, Embryology and Animal Ecology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Animal Physiology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Animal Physiology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Animal Physiology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Animal Physiology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Immunology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Immunology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Immunology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Immunology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Invertebrates and Parasites
Doctor / PhD in Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Invertebrates and Parasites / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Environmental Biology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Environmental Biology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Environmental Biology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Environmental Biology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Cell Biology and Histology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Cell Biology and Histology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Cell Biology and Histology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Cell Biology and Histology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Entomology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Entomology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Entomology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Entomology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Mycology)
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Mycology) / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Mycology) / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Mycology) / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Bacteriology)
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Bacteriology) / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Bacteriology) / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Bacteriology) / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Virology)
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Virology) / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Virology) / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Microbiology (Virology) / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Computer Science
Doctor / PhD in Science in Computer Science / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Computer Science / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Computer Science / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Pure Mathematics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Pure Mathematics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Pure Mathematics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Pure Mathematics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Applied Mathematics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Applied Mathematics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Applied Mathematics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Applied Mathematics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Mathematical Statistics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Mathematical Statistics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Mathematical Statistics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Mathematical Statistics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Mineralogy, Rock and Geochemistry
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Mineralogy, Rock and Geochemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Mineralogy, Rock and Geochemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Mineralogy, Rock and Geochemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Stratigraphy and Paleontology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Synthetic and Engineering Geology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Water Geology and Applications
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Water Geology and Applications / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Water Geology and Applications / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Philosophy in Science in Water Geology and Applications / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biotechnology / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Petroleum Geophysics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Petroleum Geophysics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Organic Chemistry
Doctor / PhD in Science in Organic Chemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Organic Chemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Organic Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Doctor / PhD in Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Analytical Chemistry
Doctor / PhD in Science in Analytical Chemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Analytical Chemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Analytical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physical Chemistry
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physical Chemistry / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physical Chemistry / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physical Chemistry / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Physics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biophysics
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biophysics / First semester
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biophysics / Second Term
Doctor / PhD in Science in Biophysics / Separation of an equation
Doctor / Doctor of Philosophy in Science in Geology
Doctor / Doctor of Philosophy in Science in Geology / First semester
Doctor / Doctor of Philosophy in Science in Geology / Second Term
Doctor / Doctor of Philosophy in Science in Geology / Separation of an equation
Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry
Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry / Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry
Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry / Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry / First semester
Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry / Professional Master in Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry / Second Term
Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics
Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / First semester
Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Second Term
Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Professional Master of Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry and Physics / Separation of an equation
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البحث في المقررات الدراسية
كلية العلوم
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