- Teacher: عبير أحمد حسن هلال .
- Teacher: نهال محمد عبد الوهاب عامر .
This course aims to help students improve their academic writing ability. It will also include various activities requiring students to write paragraphs covering a variety of topics.
- Teacher: شيماء محمود عبد المنعم .
- Teacher: نادية حسين عدلى عبد اللطيف .
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the literary genre of drama. This is done through studying some important literary dramatic terms. These terms are applied through the study of one play which is:
- A Doll's House by (Henrik Ibsen)
- A Doll's House by (Henrik Ibsen)
- Teacher: رانيا رفعت محمد رضوان السيد .
- Teacher: رانيا جلال حامد عبد الجواد .
- Teacher: شروق هشام عبد الحميد هاشم .