يعرف هذا المقرر الطلاب بالشعر الفيكتورى والحديث وما بعد الحديث. وسوف يقرأ الطلاب أهم شعراء العصر مثل تنيسون وبراوننج وأرنولد وباوند وإليوت وهيوز.
The course introduces students to Victorian, modern and postmodern poetry. Students will read the most important poets of the Victorian age such as Tennyson, Browning and Arnold. They will also be introduced to twentieth-century poets such as T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and Ted Hughes.
The course introduces students to Victorian, modern and postmodern poetry. Students will read the most important poets of the Victorian age such as Tennyson, Browning and Arnold. They will also be introduced to twentieth-century poets such as T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and Ted Hughes.
- معلم: Iman Elbakary
- معلم: Sylvia Sobhy
سوف يقرأ الطلاب النثر القصصى والمسرح الممثل لهذا الأدب مثل أعمال أتشيبى وكوتسى وتولوستوى وكافكا ورشدى ووالكوت. كما سيتم الاهتمام بالنماذج النقدية التى تمثل هذا المجال مثل نظرية جيته عن "الأدب العالمى" والنظريات الحديثة فى هذا المجال لكل من كازانوفا ودامروش وديلوز وموريتى وسبيفاك.
Students will read fiction and drama usually featured in this canon, including works by Achebe, Coetzee, Tolstoy, Kafka, Rushdie, and Walcott. We will also attend to the critical paradigms that constitute the field, from Goethe’s Weltliteratur to more recent theorizations by Casanova, Damrosch, Deleuze, Moretti, Spivak, etc.
Students will read fiction and drama usually featured in this canon, including works by Achebe, Coetzee, Tolstoy, Kafka, Rushdie, and Walcott. We will also attend to the critical paradigms that constitute the field, from Goethe’s Weltliteratur to more recent theorizations by Casanova, Damrosch, Deleuze, Moretti, Spivak, etc.
- معلم: Maha Sallam
تقدم هذه المادة النظريات والاتجاهات النقدية في العصر الحديث ومن بينها النظريات الشكلانية وما بعد البنيوية وما بعد الاستعمار والنسوية الخ... وسوف يتعرف الطالب على تلك النظريات والاتجاهات من خلال قراءته النص الأساسي في كل اتجاه يدرسه.
This course introduces key critical theories and trends of the modern age: formalist, post-structuralist, post-colonial, feminist, etc. The student will be introduced to the key text/figure in each trend.
This course introduces key critical theories and trends of the modern age: formalist, post-structuralist, post-colonial, feminist, etc. The student will be introduced to the key text/figure in each trend.
- معلم: Sherine Mazloum
Discourse analysis is the study of naturally-occurring language across extended texts, both spoken and written, that we encounter frequently in our everyday lives. The course begins by exploring the various ways in which we can analyze and interpret speech and writing with their distinctive social contexts, acting alongside other semiotic modes of meaning making. We examine and critique the various methods which are used to describe discourse of various kinds, and investigate the ways in which language resources are put to use to achieve specific goals, in specific contexts, for specific audiences. As the course develops, a critical element is introduced into the analysis, and students examine a range of institutional discourse types, including the language of the workplace, politics, legal contexts and the media. The course is uniquely placed to foreground and demonstrate the importance of linguistic analysis in the ‘real-world’; students will be equipped with the mechanics for language analysis in everyday life, in both personal and professional spheres.
- معلم: Neveen Hassan
Le programme vise à améliorer le niveau de la langue française chez les étudiants ; ainsi, la pratique orale et écrite de la langue est le but essentiel du programme. L'enrichissement de la deuxième langue (la langue française) chez les étudiants est basé sur trois phases :
I) Compréhension écrite et orale
Cette phase est basée sur des textes riches et des documents audio-visuels appartenant aux différents domaines.
II) Grammaire et conjugaison
Cette phase est consacrée aux règles grammaticales et à la conjugaison, outils indispensables à la rédaction et à la compréhension de la langue française.
III) Production écrite et orale
Dans cette phase, la production aide les étudiants à écrire un paragraphe ou à mener une discussion en réemployant les vocabulaires acquis et en appliquant les règles grammaticales et la conjugaison.
I) Compréhension écrite et orale
Cette phase est basée sur des textes riches et des documents audio-visuels appartenant aux différents domaines.
II) Grammaire et conjugaison
Cette phase est consacrée aux règles grammaticales et à la conjugaison, outils indispensables à la rédaction et à la compréhension de la langue française.
III) Production écrite et orale
Dans cette phase, la production aide les étudiants à écrire un paragraphe ou à mener une discussion en réemployant les vocabulaires acquis et en appliquant les règles grammaticales et la conjugaison.
- معلم: Heba Ahmed
- معلم: Rahaf Ahmed
- معلم: Dina Sadek
Week 1 & 2: What is New Immigrant Literature?
Week 3 & 4: Ahdaf Souief’s “Knowing”
Week 5: Ahdaf Souief’s “1964”
Week 6: Ahdaf Souief’s “Returning:
Week 7: Ahdaf Souief’s “Mandy”
Week 8: Mid-term exam.
Week 9 - 13: Leila Aboulela’s The Translator
Week 14: Final exam.
Week 1 & 2: What is New Immigrant Literature?
Week 3 & 4: Ahdaf Souief’s “Knowing”
Week 5: Ahdaf Souief’s “1964”
Week 6: Ahdaf Souief’s “Returning:
Week 7: Ahdaf Souief’s “Mandy”
Week 8: Mid-term exam.
Week 9 - 13: Leila Aboulela’s The Translator
Week 14: Final exam.
- معلم: Somaya Sabry
يتناول هذا المقرر موضوعا محددا فى اللغويات، وهو يختلف من فصل دراسى إلى آخر.
The course investigates a special topic in linguistics. The topic will vary from one semester to another.
The course investigates a special topic in linguistics. The topic will vary from one semester to another.
تقدم هذه المادة مقدمة في نشأة وتطور الترجمة بوصفها مجالًا من المجالات العلمية كما تتناول النظريات الثقافية والأدبية والتاريخية التي تتقاطع مع مجال الدراسات الترجمية.
This course provides an introduction to the evolution of translation as a discipline and the cultural, literary, historical theories that are cross-cutting with the field of translation.
This course provides an introduction to the evolution of translation as a discipline and the cultural, literary, historical theories that are cross-cutting with the field of translation.
- معلم: Neveen Hassan
يهدف هذا المقرر إلى تعريف الطلاب على تقنيات كتابة النثر الإبداعى سواء كان قصصيا أوغير قصصى. وهو يهتم بكتابة المقالات الشخصية واليوميات والكتابة الاسترسالية والمذكرات الشخصية والكتابة عن الرحلات ونقد المتابعة للأعمال القصصية.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the techniques of writing creative fiction and nonfiction. Reading and writing will focus on personal essays, journals, free writing, memoir, travel writing, and fiction reviewing.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the techniques of writing creative fiction and nonfiction. Reading and writing will focus on personal essays, journals, free writing, memoir, travel writing, and fiction reviewing.
- معلم: Nardeen Mohamed