يدرس هذا المقرر عدة نصوص شعرية ومسرحية وقصصية لكتاب أمريكيين محدثين مثل توين وهيمنجواى وميلر وويليامز وويتمان وفرُست. ويتناول القضايا الفكرية والحركات الأدبية الخاصة بهذا الأدب.
This course studies and analyzes a selection of representative texts of poetry, drama and the novel by modern American writers including, but not limited to, Twain or Hemingway, Miller or Williams , Whitman or Frost. Emphasis will be placed on the key thematic concerns, concepts and movements.
This course studies and analyzes a selection of representative texts of poetry, drama and the novel by modern American writers including, but not limited to, Twain or Hemingway, Miller or Williams , Whitman or Frost. Emphasis will be placed on the key thematic concerns, concepts and movements.
- Teacher: Somaya Sabry
يتناول هذا المنهج الحركات المسرحية فى القرن العشرين، ويهتم بالاتجاهات المختلفة مثل المسرح الجديد والطبيعية والواقعية وتأثير كل من إبسن وشو وإليوت والمسرح الشعرى وراتيجان والمسرح التجارى ومسرح الأفكار ومسرح العبث وحركة الشباب الغاضب المسرحية. وسوف يقرأ الطلاب عدة مسرحيات مختارة تعبر عن هذه الاتجاهات.
This course explores dramatic movements through the twentieth century, focusing on the different trends in this period such as the new theatre, naturalism and realism , the influence of Ibsen and Shaw, T. S. Eliot and verse Drama, Rattigan and the commercial theatre, theatre of ideas, theatre of the absurd and the angry young men movement. Students will read selected plays that reflect these trends.
This course explores dramatic movements through the twentieth century, focusing on the different trends in this period such as the new theatre, naturalism and realism , the influence of Ibsen and Shaw, T. S. Eliot and verse Drama, Rattigan and the commercial theatre, theatre of ideas, theatre of the absurd and the angry young men movement. Students will read selected plays that reflect these trends.
- Teacher: Amany Abdel Fattah
- Teacher: noha bakeer
This course covers the Neoclassical & Romantic periods.
Week (1) What is literary criticism?
Week (2) – Introduction to neo-classical criticism
Week (3-4) John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
Week (5-6) Alexander Pope: Essay on Criticism
Week (7-8) Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare
Week (9) Introduction to romantic criticism
Week (10-11) William Wordsworth: Preface to The Lyrical Ballads
Week (12-13) Samuel Coleridge: Biographia Literaria
Week (14) Revision
This course aims to study the following topics:
1. The narrative of western literary theory in its neoclassical and romantic phases
2. The similarities and differences between neoclassical and romantic criticism
3. The connections between Western literary theory and Western philosophy and literature
Course Activities
1. Reading Pope’s “Essay on Criticism” and "Essay on Man" as examples of neoclassical poetry
2. Reading Wordsworth’ Lucy poems as an example of romantic poetry (e.g., “She dwelt among the Untrodden Ways”)
3. Reading Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” as an example of romantic poetry
This course covers the Neoclassical & Romantic periods.
Week (1) What is literary criticism?
Week (2) – Introduction to neo-classical criticism
Week (3-4) John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
Week (5-6) Alexander Pope: Essay on Criticism
Week (7-8) Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare
Week (9) Introduction to romantic criticism
Week (10-11) William Wordsworth: Preface to The Lyrical Ballads
Week (12-13) Samuel Coleridge: Biographia Literaria
Week (14) Revision
This course aims to study the following topics:
1. The narrative of western literary theory in its neoclassical and romantic phases
2. The similarities and differences between neoclassical and romantic criticism
3. The connections between Western literary theory and Western philosophy and literature
Course Activities
1. Reading Pope’s “Essay on Criticism” and "Essay on Man" as examples of neoclassical poetry
2. Reading Wordsworth’ Lucy poems as an example of romantic poetry (e.g., “She dwelt among the Untrodden Ways”)
3. Reading Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” as an example of romantic poetry
- Teacher: Sarah Seif eldin Ali Atteya
In this course, you will acquire basic theoretical competences in pragmatics and basic skills related to pragmatic research. Upon completion of this course you will be able to read pragmatic studies; you will acquire basic skills in setting up pragmatic research, and will be able to informally recognize pragmatic phenomena in everyday communication, which may be used as a starting point to become aware of communicative skills.
- Teacher: Nermine Ali
تعتمد هذه المادة على المهارات المكتسبة فى مقرر الكتابة الأكاديمية 1 لتطوير قدرات الطلاب على التفكير النقدى والكتابة الأكاديمية. وهى تعلم الطلاب كيفية كتابة المقال التحليلى والمقال الجدلى.
This course builds upon the skills acquired in Academic Writing 1 En 205 to develop students’ critical thinking and academic writing competencies. It teaches students how to write expository and argumentative essays.
This course builds upon the skills acquired in Academic Writing 1 En 205 to develop students’ critical thinking and academic writing competencies. It teaches students how to write expository and argumentative essays.
- Teacher: Eman Qassem
يدرس هذا المقرر قواعد اللغة الفرنسية أو الألمانية للطلاب ويدربهم على تطبيقها على بعض النصوص المتنوعة. كما يدربهم على مهارات الكتابة الأكاديمية باللغة الفرنسية أو الألمانية.
The course teaches students the rules of French or German structure through readings of various types of texts. It also teaches students how to write academically in French or German.
The course teaches students the rules of French or German structure through readings of various types of texts. It also teaches students how to write academically in French or German.
- Teacher: Heba Ahmed
- Teacher: Dina Sadek
تعرف هذه المادة الطالب بالبنية الفلسفية المؤثرة على الكتابات الأدبية الغربية وخصوصًا الأدب المكتوب باللغة الإنجليزية. ومن الممكن أن تغطي المادة مفكرين أساسيين أو أفكار أساسية.
This course introduces the student to the underlying philosophical structure influencing western literature, particularly literature in English. The course could cover key figures or key ideas.
This course introduces the student to the underlying philosophical structure influencing western literature, particularly literature in English. The course could cover key figures or key ideas.
- Teacher: Sherine Mazloum
- Teacher: Nayerah Saad
يعرف هذا المقرر الطلاب بالبحث اللغوى الخاص باكتساب اللغة الثانية. ويتناول عدة نظريات متعلقة باكتساب اللغة الثانية والفروق بينها وبين اكتساب اللغة الأولى.
The course introduces students to the linguistic research on second language acquisition. A discussion of various second language acquisition theories will be covered with special attention to differences between first and second language acquisition.
The course introduces students to the linguistic research on second language acquisition. A discussion of various second language acquisition theories will be covered with special attention to differences between first and second language acquisition.
- Teacher: Hadeer Hesham
- Teacher: Nadia Shalaby
تقدم هذه المادة إلى الطالب أساسيات تتصل بأسلوب النصوص القانونية باللغة العربية وتراكيبها والمصطلحات الأساسية المستخدمة فيها. كما يتدرب الطالب من خلال هذه المادة على ترجمة بعض النصوص القانونية الأساسية مثل أنواع مختلفة من العقود والقوانين والقرارات الخ.
This course introduces the fundamentals of style, structure and core terminology of legal texts in Arabic. The course also trains students on the translation of core legal texts such as different types of contracts, laws, decrees etc.
This course introduces the fundamentals of style, structure and core terminology of legal texts in Arabic. The course also trains students on the translation of core legal texts such as different types of contracts, laws, decrees etc.
- Teacher: Nahed Eissa
تقدم هذه المادة إلى الطالب أساسيات تتصل بأسلوب النصوص القانونية باللغة الإنجليزية وتراكيبها والمصطلحات الأساسية المستخدمة فيها. كما يتدرب الطالب من خلال هذه المادة على ترجمة بعض النصوص القانونية الأساسية مثل أنواع مختلفة من العقود والقوانين والقرارات الخ.
This course introduces the fundamentals of style, structure and core terminology of legal texts in English. The course also trains students on the translation of core legal texts such as different types of contracts, laws, decrees etc.
This course introduces the fundamentals of style, structure and core terminology of legal texts in English. The course also trains students on the translation of core legal texts such as different types of contracts, laws, decrees etc.