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Egypt is home to one of the world’s earlist and greatest civilizations. Studying Egypt’s history enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live. Building knowledge and understandning of historical events and trends, especially over the past century, enables us Egyptians to develop a much greater appreciation for current events today in Egypt.
The law affects every aspect of our lives; it governs our conduct from the cradle to the grave and its influence even extends from before our birth to after our death. We live in a society which has developed a complex body of rules to control the activities of its members
Dynastic era temples may be found throughout Egypt, though the ones that have survived time are mostly in the south. It is clearly noted that through the Greco-Roman period in Egypt, ancient Egyptian beliefs and architecture dominated. People during the Ptolemaic rule carried on building traditional Egyptian temples, and their Roman successors continued this temples were built for many different forms of worship, as well as other purposes
Le programme vise à renforcer les caractéristiques et les compétences spécifiques d'un excellent guide touristique. Comme la maîtrise des langues est le trait le plus saillant du guide, la pratique orale et écrite de la langue est le but essentiel du programme. L'enrichissement de la deuxième langue (la langue française)chez les étudiants est basé sur : - des textes riches en terminologies du tourisme qui mettent en lumière les sites touristiques égyptiennes. - les règles grammaticales et la conjugaison, outils indispensables à la rédaction et à la compréhension de la langue française. - la discussion à propos des sujets variés pertinents au domaine touristique.
Deutsch ist einer der wichtigsten Sprachen der Wissenschaft. Wenn man sich für Musik, Literatur, Architektur, Technik, Biotechnologie, Philosphie, Recht, Pädagogik und Psychologie interessiert, ist es gut man Deutsch zu beherschen. Diese Studiennotizen sind in drei Kapitel unterteilt. Kapitel eins behandelt die ägyptischen Nachrichten und die Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Mumienparade und den Suezkanal.

La Città del Cairo mostra grandi diversità culturali e civili. Sono presenti

molti monumenti antichi e moderni, di origine faraonica, greca, romana,

copta e islamica, di diverse epoche storiche.

2. La storia della città risale alle origini della faraonica città On o Eliopoli o

(oggi detta Ain Shams) che era considerata la capitale più antica del mondo

Antico. L'attuale stile del Cairo è iniziato con la conquista islamica da parte

di Amr ibn al-Aas e ci sono i musei più famosi e più grandi del mondo.

Este curso tiene como objetivo aumentar la producción lingüística del estudiante en lengua española, especialmente en el campo de especialización.

This course completed the previous courses of the ancient Egyptian Archaeology. It aims to give the student the required information about the architectural features of the New Kingdom and the development of the design of temples and tombs during theis period.It is divided into five chapters.
Historical Cairo is not a set of Historical roads and dead monuments, it is a life interaction between humans and their environment and history., it is a spirit that lives inside each of its sons and lovers. Historical Cairo is the stage where the great works of Nagib Mahfooz were played, and where Life never stops, day or night!
This section of the site tries to help us to feel, understand, enjoy and preserve this treasure, for our sons and daughters, and for the world.