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Egypt is home to one of the world’s earlist and greatest civilizations. Studying Egypt’s history enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live. Building knowledge and understandning of historical events and trends, especially over the past century, enables us Egyptians to develop a much greater appreciation for current events today in Egypt
The aim of this course is to give a general idea to the under graduate students about the coptic studies and the most important christian monuments in Egypt.
Part of a tourist’s experience is picking up souvenirs from the country they are visiting in order to remind them of the memories shared there. Souvenirs are also brought back as gifts for loved ones to make them feel like they were somewhat part of your experience. Since Egypt is home to many ancient monuments and cultural treasures, souvenirs that showcase the country’s individuality are everywhere. This book deals with a list of the traditional souvenirs to buy in Egypt. These souvenirs are cosiddered a part of the local income comes from Tourism and afford a very big number of employees in tourism sector.

Le programme vise à renforcer les caractéristiques et les compétences spécifiques d'un excellent guide touristique. Comme la maîtrise des langues est le trait le plus saillant du guide, la pratique orale et écrite de la langue est le but essentiel du programme.

L'enrichissement de la deuxième langue (la langue française)chez les étudiants est basé sur :

-         des textes riches en terminologies du tourisme qui mettent en lumière les sites touristiques égyptiennes.

-         les règles grammaticales et la conjugaison, outils indispensables à la rédaction et à la compréhension de la langue française.

-         la discussion à propos des sujets variés pertinents au domaine touristique.

Diese Studiennotizen sind in vier Kapitel unterteilt. Kapitel eins diskutiert die Sehenwerte Plätze in Kairo. Es bietet unzählige Plätze und Möglichkeiten z. B Tahrir Platz und Opera Platz.

Piramidi austere, templi faraonici, la tomba di Tutankhamen e i tesori del
Museo Egizio del Cairo: l'Egitto contemporaneo mantiene il fascino
dell'antica civiltà egizia ma accoglie con entusiasmo anche chi all'interesse
per la storia unisce il desiderio di spiagge, deserte e meravigliosi fondali da
esplorare con immersioni memorabili. L'ospitalità egiziana sorprende il
viaggiatore e si traduce in autobus a buon prezzo, alberghi economici di
livello più che discrete

Este curso tiene como objetivo dotar al estudiante de un mayor vocabulario de la lengua española en el campo de especialización

The ancient Egyptian civilization began more than 5,000 years ago when people started building villages next to the River Nile in north-east Africa
The system of the transliteration of Arabic characters used in both the Encyclopedia of Islam (second edition) and the Annales Islamologiques