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Aim of the Course: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 

Combine basic sciences with practical work. The readings and lectures will provide a base of knowledge that students can use in the practical work. It also aims at providing adequate technical details for the construction of bridges and to overcome some problems encountered in clinical and laboratory work. 

- Intended Learning Outcomes Of Course (ILOS):

 a- knowledge and understanding At the completion of this course successful candidates will be able to

        a.1. Define the basics of diagnosis and treatment planning 

        a.2. Identify different diagnostic aids for proper diagnosis 

       a.3. Relate the basics of diagnosis and treatment planning for the badly broken and endodontically treated teeth

       a.4. Describe the clinical steps starting from tooth preparation to delivering final restoration

       a.5. Recognize different types of dental cements

       a.6. Recognize the different component parts of fixed restorations 

       a.7. State methods of removal and repair of fixed prosthodontics. 

       a.8. List different techniques of oral hygiene measures applied for patients with fixed restorations

 b- Intellectual skills By the end of the course, students should be able to

      b.1. Solve problems related to endodontically treated teeth. 

      b.2. Select appropriate treatment to manage badly broken teeth

      b.3. Predict errors in technical steps in fixed prosthodontics.

 c. Professional and practical skills By the end of the course, students should acquire the following skills

     c.1. Provide proper diagnosis and treatment-planning of fixed prosthodontics work.

     c.2. Perform the different technical and clinical steps of fixe prosthodontics satisfactorily 

     c.3. Work in harmony with a certified dental technologist. 

     c.4. Assess a patient’s awareness of oral hygiene measures and post- operative care

 d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course, students should be able to 

     d.1. Integrate in student-staff relation .

    d.2. Communicate with patients effectively.

    d.3. Identify and manage all the systems used for completion of the clinical work