لمزيد من التفاصيل برجاء مراجعة اعلان الخبر:

لمزيد من التفاصيل برجاء مراجعة اعلان الخبر:
Our dear esteemed staff members,
We are glad to announce that a new block is now available on your Moodle dashboard account in either Undergraduate mainstream, EMP, or postgraduate platforms *(Online Educational Resources).*
Our new block (attached pic) is enriched with various educational resources and virtual tools to boost your eLearning experience
For further details please check this post
Please note that you can always find our PDF guides and video tutorials by visiting our Support for Staff page in all platforms using these direct links:
Undergraduate Mainstream eLearning Support page: https://asu2learn.asu.edu.eg/medicine/mod/page/view.php?id=19365
Undergraduate EMP eLearning Support page:
Postgraduate eLearning Support page: https://asu2learn.asu.edu.eg/medicinePG/mod/page/view.php?id=34
eLearning Center
Faculty of Medicine, ASU