Course Objectives:
The course is designed to both introduce and train graduate students with the different methods of research that enable them to conduct their research whether at the course level or while writing their thesis. It introduces the graduate students with methods of citation and documentation by the thorough discussion of MLA and APA. The course holds special emphasis on academic integrity and crucial issues of plagiarism. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the methods and resources used for research in English Literature. It is of a highly practical nature and aims to introduce the students to the tools necessary to carry out literary research.- Teacher: رانيه رضا نصر عبد الكريم .
- Teacher: شادن عادل عيسى ناصر .
- Teacher: جيهان شفيع المرجوشى .
- Teacher: رانيه رضا نصر عبد الكريم .